
Forever Living Aloe Heat Lotion

16 December 2015

Aka heaven in a tube. No seriously I am so in love with this magical lotion. I was given a sample of the Forever Living Aloe Heat Lotion and instantly fell in love. It's very similar to deep heat but kinder to your skin. I react really badly to deep heat. It brings me out in a horrific itchy red rash and feels like my skin is actually burning so I could never use it. Such dark times.

When I realised the Aloe Heat Lotion smelt of deep heat I was a bit nervous about putting it on my skin. I used the majority of the sample on my brothers back when he was in hospital. For once I was sensible and tested a tiny patch on my arm and hoped for the best. The whole ward smelt of deep heat and my brother said it really helped and massive bonus points NO REACTION so we ordered a tube pronto.

forever living aloe heat lotion

If you suffer from aches and pains in any part of your body then I highly recommend this. Its a bit pricey at £12.73 but it is so worth it. I put it on most nights before I attempt to sleep and my brother has it massaged into his back every night. My poor mum has to go round the house massaging us before bed (Thanks mum you're a star). I use it on my knees, hips, wrists, back, shoulder, elbow, neck. The list goes on. I also tried it for headaches but I prefer my 4Head stick for that as it feels cool on your skin.

The heat lotion does make your skin tingle but in a nice way not a I want to rip my skin off because its burning way like Deep heat did. It's also makes your skin feel pretty soft. Luckily I love the scent as well because that's pretty much my signature scent at the moment. Who needs perfume anyway?

We've had to buy another tube because my brother and I were constantly fighting over it and I now carry one with me wherever I go to help ease any pain when I'm trying to have a life. I'm quite often whacking out my legs to rub some of this in. Perfectly normal behaviour.

So if you're struggling with this crappy weather as much as I am then I definitely recommend a tube of this and a hot water bottle.

Have you tried it?


p.s What do you think of my new design from Minty Fox Designs. I am so in love with it

Review// Last Stop: Paris Blog Tour

8 December 2015

This book is not usually one I would have picked up but I was kindly sent Last Stop: Paris* by John Pearce and I did really enjoy it and couldn't put it down.

"When readers last saw Eddie Grant in Treasure of Saint-Lazare (2012), he was hot on the trail of Nazi war loot in the company of his on-again, off-again lover, Jen. As readers return to Eddie’s shadowy world of undercover deals and thugs in the employ of crime bosses, they find a quieter, more mature Eddie, now married to Aurélie, a scholar of some note, and living in pleasant domestic bliss. Onto this romantic scene come several of Eddie’s friends, who alert him to suspicious activity within his social circle, involving a man with criminal intentions and an interest in gold. Shortly afterward, a mysterious murder implicates another character from Eddie’s past. As he looks into the matter, Aurélie soon finds herself in danger; at the same time, Jen reappears in Eddie’s life, and he’s simultaneously drawn to her and eager to avoid falling into bed with her again. Soon, he and his comrades must track down another ring of criminals and protect themselves from fatal retribution"

I struggled to keep up with who was who at some points during this book but that's only because I've been suffering with really bad brain fog at the moment so it probably isn't normally a problem. 

This book is the sequel to Treasure of Saint Lazare but you can read it as a stand alone which I did as I didn't have enough time to read the other one first. Everything that you need to know from the first book is clearly explained to you so you don't miss out. However I will definitely be reading the first one now that I've finished this one.

The characters were amazing and the "villains" of the story were pretty intimidating. I loved the fact that the plot involved several countries and they were all described beautifully so it felt like you were there with them. I really need to visit Paris now.

The plot is complex but you get immersed into it which makes it impossible to put down. There's the Russian Mafia, gold smuggling, weapons dealing and kidnapping to get your teeth into as well as some romance. You get to experience the underworld of Paris and it's very exciting.

I also love the fact that you get to learn some interesting History along the way

If you love TV shows such as NCIS then you should definitely give this book a go. 


The Kylie Jenner Wheelchair Shoot

2 December 2015

If you didn't go near the internet yesterday you might not have heard about Kylie Jenners latest cover for Interview magazine with her in a gold wheelchair. There are so many reasons that I am not okay with this. I tweeted about it and my phone has not stopped since and I woke up to about a billion (slight exaggeration) notifications so I thought I'd expand for you here.


As my tweet mentioned it angers me that there are so many disabled models out there who cannot get work modelling or in the fashion industry because of their disability and the fact that they use a wheelchair. Models of Diversity are trying to change this and are doing amazing work. However it is seen as perfectly okay for Kylie to just casually use one as a prop by the same people that are turning away actual disabled people. Wheelchairs are not props. 

Someone on twitter said that people are getting angry over Kylie but it's seen as fine to use able bodied actors to play disabled characters. I would just like to point out that this is also not okay and is one of my massive pet peeves. There are so many disabled actors out there. Use them to accurately portray disabled characters. Its insulting not to. 

 I know many people who are too self conscious to go out in public in their chairs because of people staring and even shouting abuse. Wheelchair users get treated as children or not even as people. I've been patted on the head and talked down to. People aim any questions at my mum or friends because they automatically assume they are my carers, because what disabled person actually has friends? I've been quizzed on my disability and even spat at by kids. Kylie doesn't have that to contend with when she decided to use one as a photo prop.

I also hate how sexualised the shoot was as the disabled community already struggles with being fetishised. It would seem that disabled bodies are only okay as long as they can be seen as sexual and something to be fetishised. The general public already seem to be obsessed with disabled people and if we can have sex. 

 I read somewhere (can't remember where now) that the wheelchair was supposed to symbolise the limitations Kylie faces due to her fame. Seriously there are no words. First off the limitations you face due to fame are nothing compared to the limitations disabled people face daily due to accessibility issues, pain, lack of understanding, discrimination etc. And secondly my wheelchair gave me my freedom back and has opened up the door for so many more opportunities. Yes okay I am limited due to the lack of accessibility in certain places but my chair has changed my life for the better. I have been able to go on holidays with friends, complete a degree, volunteer and actually leave the house. Before my chair I was stuck in bed because life just hurt too much and was too exhausting.

So in short, Disability is not a fashion statement you can just pick and choose when it suits you. This is not to say that wheelchair users aren't fashionable because we are so damn fabulous. A wheelchair is essential in many peoples lives and is not just a prop. Wheelchairs are not a symbol of limitations. If you want a wheelchair on the cover of your magazine use one of the many gorgeous disabled models out there. 

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