I was contacted by N:rem asking if I wanted to give their 10 day foam tablet trial a go. As my sleep is so awful and I have tried every mattress in our house (we have a lot) and still can't get comfy there wasn't much to lose giving this a whirl.
The N:rem comfort trial* is for 10 days and consists of 5 tablets of different densities which include Firm, medium, soft & super soft. You then arrange these under your sheet depending on your needs.
![NRem comfort topper](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-r1PS84dZm8c/Vlhn6vgqflI/AAAAAAAACLA/RZh0FTheYds/s1600/Nrem.png)
I'll be honest and say the first night I tried these I did not get on with them at all. My back hurt and it resulted in me taking them off my bed at 4am because I could not get comfortable. However I had napped from 6-7.30pm so sleep wasn't gonna happen anyway.
Turns out my body defies rules and recommendations. It is suggested that you put the softer tablets under the areas of most pain which is what I tried the first night. Unfortunately because my body is so bendy my back and hips ended up bending weird without the support. I tried all 3 suggested arrangements but there just wasn't enough support for my back/hips.
![nrem sleep better trial](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ZrSpJ83YiwE/VlhnkSPqjSI/AAAAAAAACK8/H0QGOZdEmP8/s1600/nrem%2Bcomfort%2Btopper.jpg)
(L-R For hip pain, lower back pain & back pain)
In the end I opted for Super Soft, Medium, Firm, Soft, Super Soft and this was perfect. The Firm tablet was in the perfect position to support my lower back and hips and the softer tablets could cradle my legs. It was like lying on a cloud and oh so comfy.
Now it didn't magically cure my lack of sleep and I still struggled to get to sleep & woke up during the night but I was much comfier and may have even woken up less. I also spend a lot of time sat in my bed watching Netflix or blogging and I can safely say it is extremely comfy to sit on as well. I did find though that I got really warm as my temperature regulation is completely non-existent. I also move so much in my sleep that the tablets shifted on my bed quite a lot and I had to re-position them every night which was a bit of a pain.
That being said having to hand them back was pretty sad as they were so comfy and I loved the fact that they had different tablets for different needs.
The topper is pretty pricey and I'm not sure I could commit to spending that much on a topper but if you are struggling with pain and comfort it is definitely something you should look into.
You can get a 30 day free trial after purchasing with a full refund if you are not satisfied and find N:rem on Twitter
* I was sent this product free of charge for the purpose of reviewing however it does not affect my views and the opinions expressed in this review are independent and my own