1. Get a tattoo - This is the year I finally get one. I've wanted one for so long and I'm going to find time to take the plunge and do it,
2. Drink more tea - I feel like I've been slacking on the tea drinking recently. This needs to change. There are so many teas out there I haven't tried yet. This is not on
3. Buy more lipstick - I do not have enough lipsticks in my life. If my parents tell you I do they're lying. What do they know anyway? So many colours so little time.
4. Watch more of my Netflix watch-list - I have so many shows to watch. I can never choose what to watch first. Life is full of such difficult decisions
5. Wake up earlier - I am the worlds worst morning person. I seriously suck at it and if you wake me up and don't bring coffee you may lose your head. However I also hate wasting the day sleeping. Annd if I woke up earlier I could work on my netflix watchlist (and also do other more productive things)
6. Wear something other than pyjamas - If I'm at home there is a 99% chance I am in pyjamas. If I've had to pop to the shops there is also a very high chance I am in pyjamas. They're just so damn comfy. But I have a wardrobe full of clothes I never wear. I should probably change that or I could sell them and buy more pyjamas.
7. Get better at painting my nails - Seriously it looks like a 5 year old has painted them. In fact a 5 year old could probably do a better job. Maybe I should find a child to paint my nails for me instead
8. Find where my socks disappear to - I always buy socks and yet I have one pair of bambi socks. Then I have to steal socks from my brother whilst bambi is being washed. This is a dilemma because he is very protective of his socks. Plus he also has size 10 feet so his socks are a tad big for my size 6. WHERE DO ALL MY SOCKS GO?
9. Try more ice cream flavours - Soo many flavours that need to be tried.
10. Learn how to adult better - I suck so bad at adulting. I'm 22 and my mum has to do important paperwork and phone calls for me. I mean I have to be reminded to eat.
11. Buy more matching underwear - I own one pair of matching underwear and the bra doesnt even fit properly. This needs to be rectified ASAP.
What are your not so serious goals for 2016?